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Constantly aiming at the eco-sustainability of our production and marketing processes. We promote the systematic reduction of energy and water consumption by making our production more effective and containing waste.


– Environment:

C02 reduction :- 12% by 2021

Water consumption reduction: -25% in the last 5 years

– More and more sustainable packaging

Reduction in plastic bottles: -18% average bottle weight in the last 5 years.

Reduction in plastic on packaging: -13% gr labels -20% shrink film by 2021

FSC paper: since 2016, the paper on TomarchioBIO labels has been FSC, i.e. made with wood and cellulose from sustainably managed forests.

– Supply chain and territory

Tomarchio beverages are the result of important supply chain projects undertaken with the entire citrus sector on the island.

From the collaboration with the “Distretto Produttivo di Agrumi” and the main protection consortia (Arancia Rossa di Sicilia IGP, Limone di Siracusa IGP, Arancia di Ribera DOP), the company started a process of requalification and specialization of the offer that led, in 2016, to the birth of an entire line of carbonated drinks with organic citrus juices IGP and DOP in order to ensure the traceability of the fruits used and to enhance the citrus heritage of the island.

– Fight against food waste and support to local communities

Our reality

Step into our world

-300 Thousand Kg

Of Juices concentrate used each year. Equal to about 6 million kilogram of citus fruit, the fruit of 300 hectars of citrug groves

- 18% Plastic Weight

Of Weight on pack and packaging over
the past two years.

- 12% Co2

Reduction of immissions Co2
into the atmosphere

- 25% Water Reduction

In water consumption over the past
five years.

Certified raw materials

Secure payments

Fast delivery italy and abroad

Respect for the environment

Rispetto per l'ambiente