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Our Water

From the highest volcano in Europe

The water used for our drinks originates from Mount Etna.

Rich in minerals and with a strong character, it gives our drinks a unique and inimitable taste.

Etna is the highest mountain on the island and the most active volcano in Europe.

Since June 2013, it has been classified as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Our reality

Step into our world

-300 Thousand Kg

Of Juices concentrate used each year. Equal to about 6 million kilogram of citus fruit, the fruit of 300 hectars of citrug groves

- 18% Plastic Weight

Of Weight on pack and packaging over
the past two years.

- 12% Co2

Reduction of immissions Co2
into the atmosphere

- 25% Water Reduction

In water consumption over the past
five years.

Certified raw materials

Secure payments

Fast delivery italy and abroad

Respect for the environment

Rispetto per l'ambiente